Friday, November 20, 2009


It seems that every religious group is always asking people to do something such as pray for peace, healing, or even famine. They act as though the simple action will actually accomplish a result leaning toward the better. While I would not mock anyone for their beliefs or what they do (within reason) they are on a path just like most of us. What is done with a spiritual journey is for that person to decide and theirs alone. We can only attempt to make the world better. It is up to us to determine how we turn our intentions into action.


Fay Campbell said...

perhaps prayer is the precontemmplative stage of action.
Or am I just overly optimistic?

Jay Clark said...

I am not so sure prayer changes God but it sure can change me and my own consciousness. As St. Teresa of Avila said, "God has no hands on earth but yours." And as Gandhi said, "We must be the change we see in the world." I pray but do not necessarily believe one way or another about any supernatural events happening. Rather prayer is my own contemplation and best intentions toward the person or situation that if possible can promote me to action. :)

Bill 'Mr.Methodic' Murray said...

Perhaps it is precontempplative. For people like Green Monk it is a start to action, for others they believe in being inactive because supernatural intervention will happen through faith.