If you adopt, as absolute, a standard of evenness which is so only relatively, your results will not be absolutely even. If you adopt, as absolute, a criterion of right which is so only relatively, your results will not be absolutely right. Those who trust to their senses become slaves to objective existences. Those alone who are guided by their intuitions find the true standard. So far are the senses less reliable than the intuitions. Yet fools trust to their senses to know what is good for mankind, with alas 1 but external results.
Most people have had that moment where they feel some sort of intuition to conclude a problem or issue. Instead of acting on physical feelings, or the senses, the intuition comes from somewhere deeper. You may even question how you knew the answer so easily. Some may contribute it to a god or even just their life experience. What is all comes down to is listening to that inner voice. The one that seems to know or experiment with a situation. Once closed off to a decision based on senses one is able to make the better choice as explained above.
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