Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Surprise Guest Post

1yogi2many and I had a dialog that contained a great amount information that may be beneficial for others to read. It appears that he accidentally became a guest poster today.

Part 1:

There is the observed and there is the observer.

The observer is your intelligence, you, observing the activity in the mind; thought and emotion.

So, you, the observer, observe the discursive activity of thought and emotion within your psyche.

The more you observe it (thought/emotion), naturally, you begin to separate from it because you realize, 'It isn't me, I'm the one observing all this activity within the mind.'

Eventually, given a long period of self-observation, one separates from the observed . . permanently.

At this point the observer and the observed both dissipate (because there is nothing left to observe), and being reigns supreme once more.

Separation happens because you realize that what you are observing 'Isn't me!'

Part 2:

It is a great paradox Mr. Methodic, that nothing positive can be done in order to realise 'truth'. It is a process of negation; requiring us to shed ourselves of the false.

You have to shed the false, but paradoxically, you lose nothing of who, or what, you really are.

You lose only what you are not; the false aspect of yourself.

What is the false? It is everything you think you are but are not; and that is your conditioning.

Self-observation allows you to become more and more aware of what you are not.

What you are not . . is discursive thought and emotional reactivity; your conditioned past.

Discursive thought and Emotional reactivity are simply a regurgitation of the past.

The past in you is a gathering of past moments that no longer exist anywhere . . except as your impressions/memory.

These impressions of life have gathered together over time to create your conditioned personality.

You 'believe' that this conditioned personality is who you are.

Self-observation allows awareness to grow. Awareness of what?

Awareness of the conditioned personality.

Who is aware?

Your intelligence is aware of what it is observing.

What your intelligence/awareness is aware of is the false.

It is this false 'self' that you eventually separate from.

At first you observe.

Then some space between the observer and the observed appears within your psyche.

You keep observing yourself thinking and getting emotional and . . . 'CATCH' . . the thoughts/emotions as they take possession of your mind and psyche.

Each time you catch though and emotion in action within your mind you separate from it.

Can you see where this is going . . ha, ha? I sincerely hope that you can . . should I continue with this pattern, or are we already reaching critical overload levels?

The answer is that I certainly want to hear more, but it does cause a bit of overload for a bit. :D Thanks Doug!


Anonymous said...

"Thought is time. Thought is born of experience and knowledge which are inseparable from time and the past. Time is the psychological enemy of man. Our action is based on knowledge and therefore time, so man is always a slave to the past. Thought is ever-limited and so we live in constant conflict and struggle. There is no psychological evolution.

When man becomes aware of the movement of his own thoughts he will see the division between the thinker and the thought, the observer and the observed, the experiencer and the experience. He will discover that this division is an illusion. Then only is there pure observation which is insight without any shadow of the past or of time. This timeless insight brings about a deep radical mutation in the mind.

Total negation is the essence of the positive. When there is negation of all those things that thought has brought about psychologically, only then is there love, which is compassion and intelligence."
by Jiddu Krishnamurti

The "Awakening of Intelligence" was one of the first books I've read when I began to get bored about just everything so many years ago. This post reminded me that old book hehehe If you feel curious: Perhaps you'd like it.

Ta-Wan said...

That Wayward Yogi gets about doesn't he!?

Wise words, nice words.

The truth is there and there is no you to see it. As you're it.

Bill 'Mr.Methodic' Murray said...

I'll need to check out the book for sure. Thanks for the tip!

The trials and tribulations of QPR said...

Hello to all,

Mr Methodic, very nice of you to open up our discussions to the world, ha, ha . .

Very nice to meet you Quixotica and, yes, I too read The Awakening of Intelligence many, many years ago now; when I was going through the self-realization process.

I studied the work of Jiddu Krishnamurti amongst others, but eventually the job got done, and when the job is done, one simply 'is'. At this point one is ones own authority and a greater truth-reality-integrity simply communicates through ones own be-ingness :)

The secret Mr. Methodic is not in simply reading such material, but in putting it into practice, for self-knowledge is truly a D.I.Y. course if ever their was one!

Keep asking questions of those whose work you resonate with and leave no stone unturned in your quest to realise 'truth' . . .

I highly recommend all of Krishnamurti's work along with Ramana Maharshi and Barry Long. There is nothing new under the sun . . .

. . truth is truth; The One!

As Ta-Wan said, 'The Truth is there and there is no you to see it. As you're it.' Wise words indeed.

Doug :)

Bill 'Mr.Methodic' Murray said...

There was too much good stuff to not share it. :D

The Crow said...

That was put as well as anybody could, and still it was clumsy.

The words, although essential, themselves get in the way.

It is true that What you Are, is more: What you are Not.
You are certainly not your mind: in this case the observer.

Observing is a process.
Being is that which is observed.
Remove the Observation and all there is, is Being.

The mind may well be as mundane a thing as a recording device.

Bill 'Mr.Methodic' Murray said...

Confusing! I need to read more on this subject to understand beyond just the concept.

Anonymous said...

Words are confusing, they're tools after all and they're so many of them!. And we're addicted to use and abuse them. Our languages don't help neither and our pre-made conceptions make things worst.

Try to use images instead of words, don't elaborate your impressions too much.

Anyhow... you'll get naturally to that point after getting tired of reading and thinking too much. :D

The trials and tribulations of QPR said...

All very interesting, and so many points of view.

Words are how we communicate on here . . .

. . . So, here goes.

There is a thinker and the thinker is also the talker.

The thinker and the talker are your conditioned self.

There is being, and being speaks.

Yes there is a very big difference between talking and speaking and, yes, both the talker and the speaker communicate using words.

The talker talks on and on offering up a regurgitation of gathered attitudes, beliefs and opinions garnered through its lifetime; this is the conditioned mind.

The ignorance of the thinker 'talks' discursively within the mind of man; anyone who has any experience of self-observation would not be able to dispute that.

Discursive thinking is like a background 'chattering' within the mind, which can be observed.

When the mind is centered in the stillness of 'being', or the Tao, the individual no longer has a constant stream of 'thinking' taking place within his head, and therefore he is no longer a talker.

The ignorance of the conditioned self communicates through its conditioning. The conditioned self communicates through each of us until it is transcended.

The Conditioned Self/Personality literally takes possession of the wo/mans psychic space and mind.

When it does so, it talks with attitude, belief and opinion . . and no little attachment to what it believes is right or wrong . . good or bad . . likable or unlikeable etc. It always knows what is best of course . . . ;-)

'Being' does not think. It is the centre of the dynamo, the centre of the Universe, out of which all unfolds in this one supreme moment; it only speaks if there is something of value to impart. It has no attitudes, beliefs or opinions to offer you; regardless of the conditioned minds interpretation!

Of course I should also add that being is not only the center of the dynamo . . it is unfolding as the whole dynamic universe; as your own life. It does so in this moment.

A man centered in being is in the moment, and when he speaks/communicates, he does so 'as' the state of being.

Being, oneness, love, unity, the now . . call it what you will, communicates through him/her; and that is his authority. Actually the realisation is that he, as an individual man, has no authority. It is all the communication of be-ing.

The conditioned self is the thinker (internal dialogue) and the talker (external dialogue).

As within so without.

Being is centered in stillness and speaks from this natural state of pure and clear perception.

Both use words . . one in ignorance, the other as intelligence freed of past conditioning; that is just the way it is.

The problem is that mans conditioned personality is entangled with his greater reality-truth-integrity, which is his natural state of being. In fact it suffocates it, which is why man is so confused . . he believes he is something he is not. He believes he is his attitudes, beliefs and opinions . . . meanwhile his being cries out for release . .

I only communicate/speak from direct experience, all else is ignorance.

Enough for now . . :)