Friday, March 19, 2010

Pain... and fear

     So, who do you think that you are? It doesn’t really matter because you are not. That is just your ego; the conscious identity to who you think you are. It’s just an illusion, yet, it controls your life. It does not care about you, only its narcissistic self. It needs you to stay alive for its benefit.

     Your ego suffers low self esteem. It doesn’t like change and uncertainty. Sure, it appears to be helping you, but it is actually deceitful and sabotages your life. It does not like failure. That alone controls what people do for their careers, health and relationships. Any bit of “negativity” from your past is used in day to day situations. It pushes fear into your mind “You’re too fat for the gym and people are judging you!”, “Remember the last time you tried to do that and failed?”, or even “You don’t have what it takes, quit before you look like a fool”. The fear produced can be brutal. It pounds you into a world of unhappiness, life really seems to stink. You may even pretend that you are better than others because you are so knocked down.

     People fear the future. They can’t even begin to comprehend the unknown. They suffer from what hasn’t even happened, it can be consuming, nothing has taken place but it may as well have.

     So, what to do? Accept who you are and drop the fear of what has happened and what may be to come. The past is gone and just because a situation has happened does not mean it will continuously happen. Roll a pair of dice two times. I’m willing to bet that the same two numbers don’t appear twice in a row. The future isn’t even here; there is no way to predict what will happen. The changes that you make now are like a ripple in a pond from a pebble, you will change the world around you a little. It doesn’t have to be negative. If you want to go to the gym, go! It takes time to get in shape, just little ripples. The idea is dropping the fear; so much more will be possible.


The Crow said...

Mr. Methodic on Spiritual Steroids!
That's the spirit!
Your whole body chemistry has changed: I knew there was a guru in there somewhere, searching for the "on" switch.
Do we get to look forward to more like this, now?
Hope so :)

M. Scle said...

It was a very emotional and inspirational post to read and frankly telling i enjoyed your philosophy and the things that you have told in this blog are really true and appreciable.

Bill 'Mr.Methodic' Murray said...

It was written over a 24 hour period instead of a 15 minute block of thought. I've been reading a lot lately, books to blogs to articles. The learning has been incredible and hope to apply more in the future.

The Crow said...

It certainly seems that way :)
Sometimes what you don't know you know, suddenly clicks into sharp focus, and your whole perspective undergoes a quantum shift.
I love those events.