Friday, September 24, 2010


No matter how much make-up you put on a ugly pregnant pig... it's still a pregnant pig.


The Crow said...

I wonder where that thought came from?
Many would object to it, while some would see the essential truth.
It is what it is.

My wife often would take exception to my custom of observing someone's ugliness, by responding that they were probably a really "nice" person.
She didn't realize that we were seeing the person in different ways.
The outward ugliness would lead me to notice the overall ugliness, both outer and inner, if that was what I saw. While she would see only the outer, and respond only automatically, as conditioning had taught her:
To ignore what her senses told her, and see, instead, what was not actually there.
She finally came to realize that she was saying things she really didn't mean, quite mindlessly, in order to appear politically correct.
Ugly outside does not necessarily signal beautiful inside.
Or vice-versa.

How's that for a response to a post about whose meaning I have no idea?

Rizal Affif - The Soul Sanctuary said...

Why put on much make-up on an ugly pregnant pig on the first place?

Bill 'Mr.Methodic' Murray said...

It came from a conversation that a few friends and I were having. There is an art event happening here called ArtPrize. Someone submitted "art" called Steam Pig. It was being discussed that it wasn't art. One friend asked what if it were pregnant, another friend ask how about if it had makeup, the third said it would just be an ugly pregnant pig with a lot of make-up. I took the judgment out and said it would just be a pregnant pig.

The Crow said...

And there you have it.
Behind everything, there lies mystery.
Mundane, or profound, one can never know, and that is the nature of mystery.

The purpose of mystery is that it invites the creation of endless possibilities, each one capable of being what "is".

If, indeed, the pig was pregnant:

Bill 'Mr.Methodic' Murray said...

A fat male pig with thin hair that can't fly so instead works insurance, of course.

The Crow said...

Readers take note:
Here is an event of some rarity and import...
Mr. Methodic, finally, not only displays, but utilizes his inherent, though latent, sense of humor, and defies all preconceptions by being FUNNY :)

Nice one, MM !
Taoism works, see?