TTC 15:
Not seeking, not expecting,
the Master is present, and can welcome all things.
How do you see other people? Have you ever noticed someone at a kid’s baseball or soccer game that is always yelling at the coach and referee? No matter what happens in the game that person seems very upset. After a few games other parents may start to say, “Oh that is John Doe. He is really over the top, we’re used to him.” Now the said dad has a label from the other parents. To them that is who he is. The dad may not feel that is who he is, but they are all wrong.
To properly see someone is to watch who they are in the moment. Some people are very predictable with what they do. They believe that is who they are and continue that lie. Others believe who he is and keep that lie as well. We should deal with people in the moment. By doing so doesn’t mean that you forget that person often cons people out of money, takes advantage of others, etc. Instead you let them just be and know when a situation is happening to avoid it. Life is much easier when there are no expectations of who a person is, just how they are at the moment – a body in waiting.
I once wrote:
The wise man meets everyone,
as if for the first time.
How do I see other people?
As nothing but trouble.
A shame, really, but that is so often the way of things.
People don't have to be that way, but still they often are.
I have become a satisfied hermit, speaking to trees, birds and animals.
They don't judge or label me.
I extend the same courtesy to them.
Our opinions of people are often based really on our own minds rather than the ever changing reality that those people are. Great post!
Yes, patterns are a social tool. Seeing the patterns of what makes a eprson is helpful. If we don't understand patterns we become fools. But we can also become fools by believing the patterns are the Reality. Everything is in constant flux.
Br. Jay and Monica, thank you for adding to the post. Additional thoughts and information are beneficial. Good to see you again Br. Jay, thanks for visitng Monica.
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