Wednesday, November 3, 2010


TTC: 51

The Tao gives birth to all beings,
nourishes them, maintains them,
cares for them, comforts them, protects them,
takes them back to itself,
creating without possessing,
acting without expecting,
guiding without interfering.
That is why love of the Tao
is in the very nature of things.

     When a child is born the first taste of anything is the ‘muck’ of the mother as it comes out of the birth canal. This is important for its life and is the first experience with nature. The womb is completely sterile, but as the child is born it consumes bacteria from the mother which then starts to multiply in the stomach and intestines of the new baby. The bacteria is the environment that the mother resides in as well as the bacteria for the foods that the mother consumes. It gives the child an advantage to quickly adjust to life. Cesarean does not do this same task. While the child will adjust eventually it will have to consume the foods and slowly build up what is needed.

     I find it interesting how well nature has evolved us to better survive. The simplest things give advantage in ways that most do not understand. The basics are things we should not neglect, we don’t always know the benefits.

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