Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Is that really a word?

Coming across other blogs people state to find true happiness one must shake off the ego.  Wouldn't trying to get rid of the ego be egotistical? And how does one get rid of the ego if it doesn't even exist? It is just an illusion. I used to believe we had an ego to lose and wrote about it at the beginning of my blog, turned out it was never there to begin with.


Anonymous said...

It's useful as a mind distraction, just like a video game. Until we get tired of it.

Ren said...

I think the idea of getting rid of the ego is like anything else taught in Taoism. The more you try to force it, or consciously accomplish it, the harder it is to become. So, as you said, the more you tried to vanquish ego, the more it would pop back up.

Instead, I listen to the advice as a method of letting things go, and not letting things get to me, or bother me personally. I remind myself to let go if I start feeling the need to to argue about something, or prove something...

Anonymous said...

love your blog! =) if you want to visit mine you can at

look forward to seeing you there! =)
