Monday, November 23, 2009

Class lesson

My economics class draws to and end tomorrow. The workload with papers and studying for finals has been terribly time consuming lately. The class has been a wonderful learning experience to the point that I decided to take the next class in the series with the same teacher. The class isn’t necessary and I've no plans to become an economist, but have had my eyes open to the tricks that our government plays on us. They are doing such a great job most will never notice. This post isn't meant to be about that though.

One discussion the teacher had was not in the text and waws about careers. The short version is that a person will generally spend more time at work than they will at home with their family. He discussed that a person does not necessarily need to love their spouse but they better love their job.

I understand his point of view on the subject. My hope would be for a person to find a passion for what they do in life as well as find a special someone if they choose to do so. When involved with work or another person you can still decide your reaction. Some people choose to be miserable while others search elsewhere and work forward. Life is short and should be enjoyed; if something isn't working then maybe one should experiment by moving on to greener pastures. So many choices, so many ways to have fun.

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