Nature is complete because it does not serve itself.
The sage places himself after and finds himself before,
Ignores his desire and finds himself content.
He is complete because he does not serve himself.
A forest does not take inventory of the number of trees or measure itself to see how large it is. Yet, in pride people consistently measure themselves. Whether this is against a list or other people, a yardstick is created.
There isn’t much of anything that man has created that made nature better. It may advance us as a species, but nature is harmed. Everything we have is for our own gratification and greed. The world has taught us that we should consume unnecessary items. I’m very guilty as well. But, sadly we’ve dulled ourselves. Virtually nothing done in the name of consumption leaves us fulfilled. More money is needed even if a person has plenty, constantly purchasing because a deal is too good, or even just for the sake of wanting. Once the object is purchased then people move on to wanting something else because they are not fulfilled.
So, here we are closed off to Tao. How do we get back? Just look at the forest and see the trees.
Very nicely put and very true.
I often refer to the difference between what is normal and what is natural. For example the car is a normal part of our lives, but it is NOT natural, it is man made. Trees on the other hand are both natural and normal, they are 'innate' . . .
. . . It is a shame that so many people cannot see the wood for the trees!
Well put. Thanks.
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