Friday, November 19, 2010

The End?

This may be the end. I've started an online business that is taking up a significant amount of time. I've been given a decent advance from a few advertisers which means that more time may need to be devoted to making the site better to draw more people and advertisers in. My hope is to profit enough to quit my job and work from home and off the land more. Maybe at that time or when something strikes me to write then I will do more here. If not, I hope the best to my 60 or so weekly readers as they continue along their path. I'll still be around reading your sites for sure.


Rizal Affif - The Soul Sanctuary said...

Oh well, whatever happens, happens.

We just do what we ought to do, one after another--with non-attachment.

In gassho.


The Rambling Taoist said...

Good luck on the new venture. Keep following the flow.

The trials and tribulations of QPR said...

Well I am very pleased that we can continue to keep in touch on facebook then my methodical friend . . your blog has been very enjoyable, catch ya soon! :-)