Friday, November 5, 2010


A person walked into a quarry and asked a worker about his job. He replied "I hate this job, the sun is hot, my hands are blistered, the days are long." The person went to another and inquired the same. That man replied "I like my job, it gives me money to provide for my family. We have food on the table everyday, nice clothes on our backs, and my children receive a good education." The person then went to a third and asked the same question. His reply was "I'm helping to build a cathedral, it will take 100 years and stand for 1000. This is one of the stones that I'm contributing."


Rizal Affif - The Soul Sanctuary said...

Very well put. Nice.

I'll remember this on my work, hahaha.

Thanks for sharing.


The Crow said...

you mean...
you mean that there is more than one way of looking at stuff???

Your job, grasshopper, is to explain that to the twenty trillion people who just don't get it!