Friday, November 13, 2009

Hasty Blog?

TTC 51:
The Tao gives birth to all of creation.
The virtue of Tao in nature nurtures them,
and their families give them their form.
Their environment then shapes them into completion.
That is why every creature honors the Tao and its virtue.

     Perhaps I have been a bit hasty with what I previously said in my previous post Wrong Approach. Maybe there is a little room for analyzing Tao from a specific angle and it working out. By this I mean seeing Tao through something else. By studying nature we are able to see Tao. The two are intertwined and we can see in. Its laws are still ours as well. Simply because we are a part of nature as well! We are made of the same particles below and above us.

     Physics have allowed us to look back at nature and bring us closer to Tao. The matter that we are composed of isn’t just small bits but from the thought of string theory we are just vibrations. It would be like strings of a guitar, each one can be tuned up or down but it is never the same as the following string. It is much like the possibility of matter, each type of matter just being a different vibration. Enough on the theory though. I’m sure it will come back around in future posts. It’s such a lovely topic!

     The study of nature is far beyond just the world immediately around us; it really is the universe as a whole. Science used to break everything down into separate parts but we are at an age where the question is now about the relationship of the parts.

     We all share this energy. Have you ever walked into a crowded room and felt like something just happened or even excitement? The energy is there among everyone, which is a part of Tao.

     Maybe at times I could be off on my thought. The concept of Tao is a mere few months of study and thought, this is still VERY new to me. Perhaps in a few years I'll understand better. I'll keep walking one foot in front of the other.


The Rambling Taoist said...

Nature certainly supplies important clues and that's why the great Taoist sages utilize a bevy of nature-based metaphors. In the end, however, everything is nature or, put more succinctly, everything simply is.

Jay Clark said...

That is the beauty of studying sacred writings...even in contemplating them, we never step in the same river twice.

Bill 'Mr.Methodic' Murray said...

It sure does keep things interesting that way.